Escaping a Potential Ambush in the Streets of Chicago
A night out at a popular Chicago concert takes a terrifying turn when a group of friends encounters mysterious roadblocks and menacing strangers in a quiet neighborhood!
I was attending a popular concert in the south side of Chicago last year. As most of you probably know, it’s a pretty sketchy area down there, and the crime rate is really high, but the tickets were really cheap, and the concert was well-populated, so I felt pretty safe. Plus I decided to go with a couple of my friends.
The concert was great, and we all really enjoyed ourselves, but we knew the drive out would be pretty bad with all the traffic. It was almost 10 p.m. by the time we got out of the parking lot and onto the main road. We realized pretty quick, though, that we were going to be on this road for a while as the cars were barely even moving forward.
Sitting there, my friends started to look up other routes to get back to our town, and they found one that could hopefully get us past all this traffic. After sitting in basically the same spot for 30 minutes, we agreed we would try the other route.
We turned off the main road as soon as we could and began going through neighborhood streets. Surprisingly, there were a lot of people outside this late at night, just walking around or standing in their yards. This wasn’t normal from where we lived, which was just a couple of hours west.
As we continued down these neighborhood streets, we began to notice that the people outside would watch us as we drove by, and then we also started to realize that we hadn’t seen any other cars in probably 20 minutes. This got us a little bit nervous, and we all started to pay more attention.
I asked one of my friends to check where the nearest main road was, and as he was scrolling through the map, my other friend pointed out a car at the end of the street that we were on. It was parked sideways, blocking both lanes of the road.
I stopped the car immediately and, backed out and got onto the road that we were on previously, then continued down there. We began to panic a little bit, trying to find a safe way out to a more public area with other cars, but just a few seconds later, we again saw at the end of the road a sideways car blocking both lanes.
I stopped the car, and I looked over at my friends. We were all looking at each other, clueless about what to do. It was too dark, and we couldn’t tell if anyone was in the car up ahead, so we didn’t want to approach it.
As we were discussing our options, two men came up from one of the houses off the street. One of them stood behind the car, and the other one came up to my window. He signaled with his hands for me to roll down the window, and nervously, I rolled it down just a few inches.
The man looked at each of us and scanned the inside of the car, then asked me where we were headed. “Just back to the highway,” I said. He nodded and looked over at his friend, who started to walk over to the passenger side.
There was a small moment where it felt like everything went silent, and nobody moved. Then, suddenly, both men grabbed the doors, trying to open them repeatedly. I reacted as fast as I could, putting the car in reverse as everyone was screaming.
Just as I started to back out, the man tried to stick his arm through the gap in the window and even got stuck for a second as I pulled the car back before slamming to the ground. I turned around and floored it out of the street, and went back the way we came. We were all in total shock.
I tried to stay calm, but I was shaking uncontrollably. We all agreed we would go back to the same way we came and just get on the highway from there. I think we were all pretty shaken by the situation, but I do think that I handled it pretty well.
Luckily, our doors were locked, though, because I’m not sure if I’d be here right now if they weren’t.
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